The goal of the mechanical engineering curriculum is to create a flexible educational experience in design, mathematics, modeling, computing, management, engineering science etc. Principal study topics include fluid mechanics, thermodynamics & heat transfer, solid mechanics, materials engineering, manufacturing, energy systems, dynamics & control, Computer Aided Design (CAD) etc. This broad and flexible program allows students to customize their programs to meet their objectives and particular career goals. The faculty members with diversified specialization such as Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Design, CAD/CAM, and Thermal Engineering are committed and experienced in teaching. Mission of the department is to equip the mechanical Engineering diploma holders with technical knowledge; soft skills and ethics which are necessary to lead a successful career and also to mold them with the self confidence, necessary to contribute to society by performing in their future endeavors.


  • Thermal Energy Lab/ Power Plant lab.
  • Non-Conventional Source of Energy Lab.
  • Theory of Machine and Design of Machine Lab.
  • Applied Mechanics Lab.
  • Material Testing Lab.
  • Auto Mobile Engg. Lab


  • Sheet Metal Shop
  • Carpentry Shop.
  • Machine Shop.
  • Welding Shop.
  • Fitting Shop.
  • Smithy Shop.
  • Refrigeration Lab
  • Metrology Lab